Federal Administrative Law / Federal License Defense

Our Texas Federal Administrative Law Attorneys Are Here For You.  

Ray & Weinstein, P.C. represents businesses and individuals with Federal Professional License disciplinary actions before Federal Administrative Law agencies. We represent businesses and individuals with Federal business licenses, professional licenses and other privileges  before Federal Administrative Law agencies. Our attorneys represent businesses and individuals with Federal License Defense matters in Texas and throughout the United States.

Federal Administrative Law Attorney

Ray & Weinstein, P.C. represents businesses and individuals in Federal Administrative Law matters. Federal Administrative Law consists of the agencies, procedures and rule that govern the interaction between the federal government with various businesses and individuals receiving and maintaining Federal business licenses, professional licenses and permits. In addition to representing clients in regulatory compliance matters before federal government agencies,  Ray & Weinstein, P.C. defends clients with Federal Administrative Licensing agency disciplinary actions.

*Federal Administrative Law Attorneys

Federal Administrative Law Investigations Lawyer

Federal Administrative agencies open disciplinary investigations for several reasons. These reasons include criminal convictions, engaging in prohibited conduct by a licensee or in response to a consumer Complaint. Federal Administrative Law agency investigations can proceed to a formal disciplinary action, proceed to a criminal case, or both. Federal Administrative Law agencies can also close investigations. Many Federal agencies employ sworn and civilian investigators to conduct Federal Administrative Law Investigations. Ray & Weinstein, P.C. represents businesses and individuals in Federal Administrative Law Investigations in Texas and throughout the United States.

Federal Administrative Law Hearing Defense Attorney

Federal Administrative Law agencies often each have their own respective Administrative Law Courts. Agencies that do not maintain Administrative Law Courts often use those Courts belonging to other agencies. The Administrative Law Hearing is a formal Hearing before an Administrative Law Judge. The Administrative Law Judge generally issues a Proposed Decision after the Hearing. Both the Federal agency and the Respondent usually have the ability to file responses to the Proposed Decision. The Federal agency often can adopt, modify or reject the Proposed Decision. The Federal Administrative licensing agency will then issue a Final Decision and Order. Depending on the law applicable to that respective agency, Appeals may be directed to the licensing entity, to Federal District Court or to the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals. Ray & Weinstein, P.C. represents businesses and individuals in Federal Administrative Law Hearings in Texas and throughout the United States.

Federal Administrative Law and Criminal Convictions

Federal Administrative Law agencies often take disciplinary action against businesses and individuals for criminal convictions. Federal Administrative Law discipline can occur for felony and misdemeanor convictions. It is common for Federal Administrative Law matters to occur concurrently with Federal Criminal Law matters. Ray & Weinstein, P.C. represents businesses and individuals facing Federal License Defense discipline resulting from criminal convictions in Texas and throughout the United States.

Federal Administrative License Denial Defense Attorney

Applicants for Federal business and professional licenses, permits and privileges often seek assistance from a Federal Administrative Law attorney. Federal Administrative Law agencies conduct thorough background checks on businesses and individuals. There are many reasons for Federal Administrative Business and Professional License denials. Denial Hearings and disciplinary Hearings before Federal Administrative Law Courts involve a similar procedure. However, in a License Denial Hearing, the applicant bears the burden of proof. Ray & Weinstein, P.C. represents businesses and individuals facing Federal License denials in Texas and throughout the United States.

Self Regulatory Organization Discipline Defense Lawyer

Federal Administrative Law consists of more than just representation before Federal Administrative agencies. Self Regulatory Organizations are private, non governmental organizations that generally exist for a particular occupation, profession or trade. These organizations set their own rules for membership and disciplinary actions against members. Many Self Regulatory Organizations offer significantly less legal protections to members than do licensees of Federal Administrative Law agencies. Ray & Weinstein, P.C. represents businesses and individuals facing disciplinary actions from Self Regulatory Organizations in Texas and throughout the United States.

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Contact Us Below or Call 972-383-9686


5055 W. Park Blvd., Suite 400
Plano, TX 75093