Practice Areas
Other Professional Licenses
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A Practice Limited to Licenses and Regulatory Law. This is the Ray & Bishop Difference.
The Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists licenses agricultural engineers, certified engineering geologists, certified hydrogeologists, chemical engineer, civil engineers, consulting engineers, control systems engineers, electrical engineer, fire protection engineers, geodetic engineers, geomatics engineers, geometronic engineers, geotechnical engineers, industrial engineers, land survey engineers, land surveyors, licensed engineers, licensed land surveyors, mechanical engineers, metallurgical engineers, nuclear engineers, petroleum engineers, professional corrosion engineers, professional engineer, professional engineers – retired, professional geologists, professional geophysicists, professional land surveyors, professional land surveyors – retired, professional manufacturing engineers, professional quality engineers, professional safety engineers, registered engineers, soil engineers, soils engineers, structural engineers, survey engineers, and traffic engineers. The Board’s Enforcement Unit uses unlicensed analysts and licensee, as well as the resources of the Department of Consumer Affairs Division of Investigations to investigate complaints and possible violations. In discipline cases, the Board is represented by the Licensing Section of the Office of the Attorney General. All Professional Engineering Board cases are heard by the Office of Administrative Hearings, except for reinstatements and penalty relief, which are heard by the Board itself.
The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing issues and disciplines credentials of California educators, primarily school teachers. The CTC delegates review of teacher credential cases to its Committee of Credentials to review teacher discipline and credential denial cases to attempt informal resolution of those cases and to make recommendations to the CTC for final action. Teachers are also entitled to have credential denial and credential discipline cases heard by administrative law judges at the Office of Administrative Hearings. The Commission on Teacher Credentialing is represented at administrative hearings by the Office of the Attorney General Licensing Section.
The Department of Business Oversight licenses mortgage lenders and services, payday lenders (deferred deposit lenders), consumer and commercial finance lenders and brokers, escrow agents and escrow companies, check sellers, bill payers and proraters, among others. The Department of Business Oversight, or DBO, primarily enforces the laws of the Financial Code through audits and examinations by its examiners. Hearings regarding denial or discipline of Department of Business Oversight issues licenses, such as California Finance Lender Licenses, California Deferred Deposit Transaction Licenses, and Mortgage Loan Originator Endorsements, are heard at the Office of Administrative Hearings. DBO is represented by staff counsel who work at the Department of Business Oversight offices in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Sacramento.

4100 Newport Place Dr., Suite 670
Newport Beach, CA 92660
**Attorneys are only licensed to practice law in California. Attorneys’ offices are only located in California. However, pursuant to United States Code of Federal Regulations 8 C.F.R. § 1.2 and United States Code 5 U.S.C. § 500, Attorneys may practice Federal Administrative Law and represent an individual located outside of California within the parameters of Federal Administrative Law. Attorneys will NOT advise clients on the laws of any State or any State law legal matters (with the exception of California). The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship. Legal advertisement.**